Agartala, December 23: Despite continuous efforts by various security agencies over the past five and a half years to eradicate illegal marijuana cultivation in Tripura, the state still grapples with the challenge. In the last two weeks, special operations have been ongoing, targeting the destruction of illegal marijuana plants found in public plots and predominantly in government forest areas.
Opposition Leader Animesh Debbarma has proposed an unconventional approach to address the issue.
Speaking to North East Live, he suggested that the state government should consider legalizing marijuana cultivation, which will not only allow the cultivators to earn and the government also generate revenue.
Debbarma emphasized exploring the possibility of legally growing marijuana for medicinal purposes, envisioning it as a significant economic boost and a resolution to the problem of illegal cultivation.
Drawing attention to Manipur’s approach, he recommended discussing the matter in the legislative House to find a viable solution.
Acknowledging potential misunderstandings, Debbarma recalled the state’s experience with liquor sales.
He said before the BJP-IPFT government took office in 2018, there were relatively few liquor shops in Tripura, leading to a black market. By permitting the opening of new liquor stores, and which was initially criticized, the present government not only curbed illegal liquor sales but also significantly increased government revenue.