Agartala December 21: Mega Credit Delivery Camp was held at Sukanta Academy on the occasion of 48th Foundation Day of Tripura Grameen Bank on Thursday. Minister Ratan Lal Nath inaugurated this mega credit delivery camp by lighting the lamp. Mayor Deepak Majumder of Agartala Pur Nigam, Satyendra Singh of Tripura Grameen Bank and others were present.
Grameen Bank employees as well as common people were present in this day’s event. While speaking, Minister Ratan Lal Nath said that the economic prosperity of the people has increased during the current government compared to the previous government of the state. The current government of the state has started from the financial year 2018-19. In the financial year 2017-18, all the banks in the state had deposits of Tk 24 thousand 580 crore. At present, all the banks of the state have a total deposit of 37 thousand 432 crores. From that it can be understood that the economic development of the people of the state has taken place. Due to the economic development of people, the amount of debt is also increasing. Tripura is ahead of several states in the North-East in terms of CD ratio. But the point of pride is that out of 850 employees working in Tripura Grameen Bank, 800 are from Tripura state. It shows that the people of Tripura state have skills.