Agartala: Jan 19: Tension is running high over the election for the President of the BJP’s Agartala (City) District. On Sunday, four candidates from different factions filed their nominations for the prestigious post. The contenders include the current president of the district, Asim Bhattacharya, General Secretary of the OBC Morcha of the Pradesh unit, Sukanta Ghosh, President of the OBC Morcha’s Agartala (City) District, Sukanta Pal, and the former President of the Ramnagar Mandal, Tapas Deb.
The nomination process has sparked intense speculation and excitement, as these four leaders represent different factions within the party. Asim Bhattacharya, who has been heading the district so far, is looking to retain his position. On the other hand, Sukanta Ghosh, Sukanta Pal, and Tapas Deb are seen as strong challengers, each with their own base of support within the party.
The battle for the district president’s chair is not only a contest of leadership but also a reflection of the internal dynamics and power plays within the BJP in Tripura. While Bhattacharya’s incumbency gives him an advantage, the other candidates’ strong backing from various party wings, including the OBC Morcha, has added an element of unpredictability to the race.
By Monday evening, the BJP will likely announce the final decision on who will adorn the coveted chair of the Agartala (City) District President, ending the suspense surrounding this high-stakes election.