Agartala: Dec 13: Khowai police have arrested four drug dealers along with a car, following a high-speed chase and crash. The incident occurred on the afternoon of December 13, when Khowai Police Station OC Subir Malakar grew suspicious of a car at the Cherma naka point. The car, registered under the number TR06D0409, was pursued by the police, and during the chase, it lost control near Cheberi Market and crashed into a shop. The collision also caused damage to OC Subir Malakar’s vehicle.
The police immediately arrested the four occupants of the car: Nakul Debbarma, Sintu Debbarma, Civil Debbarma, and Ridam Debbarma. A search of the car uncovered syringes and drug paraphernalia, indicating the car was being used for drug trafficking. The arrested individuals have been taken to Khowai police station for further interrogation.
Police sources have revealed that the car was frequently used for smuggling stolen goods in addition to its role in drug trafficking. The incident has caused a stir in Cheberi and the surrounding areas, with locals shocked by the revelation of illegal activities in the area. Authorities are continuing their investigation and have assured that strict action will be taken against those involved in the crime. This event highlights the ongoing issue of drug trafficking and smuggling in the region, drawing attention to the need for further vigilance and law enforcement efforts.