Agartala: June 04: In a significant turn of events, BJP candidates are surging ahead by a substantial margin in two Lok Sabha constituencies in Tripura. As the results unfolded, BJP workers and supporters in the vicinity of the TRC (Tripura Raj Bhavan) erupted in cheers, anticipating victory.
One enthusiastic worker expressed unwavering optimism, attributing it to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s relentless efforts to propel the country toward development. Since 2014, Prime Minister Modi has tirelessly worked for the nation’s progress. On this momentous day, he confidently predicted that the ground would soon shift beneath the opponents’ feet.
Mimi Majumdar echoed the sentiment, emphasizing that the people’s re-election of Narendra Modi as Prime Minister reflects their commitment to the country’s advancement. The unfolding results underscore the BJP’s dominance in Tripura.