Agartala, January 3 : The police of Ambassa police station has once again succeeded in making Tripura drug free. A police officer said that a total of 25 kg of dry cannabis in 52 packets was recovered by searching a vehicle at Ambassa Naka Point. The lorry driver has also been arrested. He said that the market value of the confiscated dry cannabis will be approximately Rs 2 lakh 50 thousand.
The police official said that information came from secret sources that cannabis will be smuggled by car from Agartala to Gawahati this morning. According to that, the police are sitting at Ambassa Naka point. Then the police of Ambassa police station arrested the car number TR01AZ0606 at Naka Point. A total of 52 packets of dry marijuana were recovered after searching the car. A police official said that a total of 25 kg of ganja has been seized in 52 packets. The driver of the car has also been arrested.
He also said that the police have started investigation by taking a case under NDPS against the accused.