Agartala, February 07: Tripura Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha revealed his plans to initiate interactions with people from various parts of the state through video conferencing in the future. Currently, the CM engages with locals in Agartala regarding their concerns through a weekly public interaction program called ‘Mukhyamantri Samipeshu,’ held every Wednesday. This initiative commenced on April 12 last year.
Expressing his intent to directly engage with people, Dr. Saha stated, “I have been contemplating for some time about communicating directly with people. Hence, I initiated the program called ‘Mukhyamantri Samipeshu,’ where people from all parts of the state gather every Wednesday morning at 11 am. Presently, I interact with individuals from Agartala. However, I am considering expanding these interactions through video conferencing in the near future.”
He further highlighted the accessibility benefits, stating that individuals from sub-divisions or districts, who face challenges in traveling to Agartala, could utilize video conferencing to connect with the Chief Minister and address their concerns.
Dr. Saha emphasized that people often approach him with various issues, such as medical treatment and financial difficulties, seeking assistance. Upon hearing their grievances, he directs officials from relevant departments to take necessary actions.