Agartala: Tripura Transport and Food & Civil Supplies department Minister Sushanta Chowhdury on Saturday said that college students have to shoulder the responsibility to keep the society free of vices like drug de-addiction and lack of awareness on issues like traffic laws and consumer rights. Inaugurating the first edition of Jagriti inter-college quiz competition at Rajarshi hall, Udaipur, the Minister said, “The college students are the citizens of tomorrow. They are the ones who will shape the future and hence they need to take responsibility for society as well. It is their responsibility to keep the society clean and free of any malice. Drug addiction is a real threat to our society which should be addressed in a very calculative manner.” Citing some of the common resistant factors, Chowdhury said, “People may resist you initially stating that privacy of an individual shouldn’t be breached when you raise objections against their behavior and drug addiction. But, these resistances should be handled with care. You have to tell them that your parents, the society and this country also deserves your contribution for a better tomorrow which the path chosen by the individual could never deliver.”
Laying emphasis on human resources, he said, “Always remember, if the human resource of a race could be destroyed, it can never revive. The fight against drugs is the battle to protect our human resource.”
According to Chowdhury, the food and transport department in the next phase of awareness campaigns will organize rallies in all colleges for involvement of students in the social cause. Speaking about the road traffic incidents, the Minister said, “We have come across a lot of incidents where one simple mistake of not wearing a helmet turned costly. A simple act of losing balance while riding a two-wheeler can lead to fatal consequences. A young man can lose his life and I have seen families doing everything to save the life of the young member but nothing actually pays off. But, one simple habit of wearing helmets could have different consequences.”
The Minister also spoke about consumer protection law and urged the students to be aware and make others aware. “If we become aware of these three topics and make others aware with dedication, we shall be able to create an informed citizenry,” he pointed out.
Transport Minister Pranajit Singha Roy, who was also present at the event as inaugurator, also expressed his concern over the drug addiction and urged the society to wage a battle against it.
“I have also come across many cases related to drug addiction. The police and other law enforcement agencies are doing their jobs but I genuinely feel, we all have to be more cautious when it comes to these issues,” the Minister added.
Judge of Tripura High Court Justice Arindam Lodh and Corporation Minister Shukla Charan Noatia also spoke on the occasion among others.
It should be noted here that the Transport Department and Food and & Civil Supplies Department with the help of Higher Education Department launched the “Jagriti Drive” that seeks to spread awareness among students about drug addiction, road traffic accidents and consumer rights.
The first inter-college quiz competition was held at Udaipur under where more than one thousand students from Udaipur General Degree College, General Degree College Amarpur, General Degree College Bishalgarh, General Degree College Sonamura, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar College Belonia, Sabroom College and Udaipur Polytechnic College participated. In this competition, colleges from South Tripura, Sepahijala and Gomati District participated.
The second event will be held on January 17 at Ku…