Agartala: Jan 20: Based on a tip-off, the Sabroom Police conducted a raid and seized 12 grams of brown sugar, along with Rs. 1,270 in cash and two mobile phones, from an auto-rickshaw. The total market value of the seized brown sugar is estimated to be around Rs. 7 lakh. During the operation, two individuals were arrested.
According to the details of the incident, the police had received intelligence that a transaction involving narcotic substances was about to take place near the residence of Vicky Saha in Kathalchhari. Acting on the tip-off, the police launched a targeted operation in the area. They arrested the auto-driver, Asim Majumdar, and Vicky Saha from the auto-rickshaw in front of Vicky’s house. Along with the brown sugar, the police also confiscated Rs. 1,270 in cash, two mobile phones, and the battery-operated auto-rickshaw used by the accused.
The total estimated market value of the brown sugar seized is approximately Rs. 7 lakh. The two accused were taken to Sabroom Police Station for further interrogation. After questioning, they will be produced in Sabroom Court for legal proceedings.
This operation highlights the continued efforts of the Sabroom Police to combat drug-related activities in the region. The police have praised the successful raid for disrupting a major narcotics deal, and further investigations are underway to identify other potential links in the drug trade.