Agartala: Jan 18: Bhavan’s Tripura Vidyamandir, Narsingarh, recently hosted the Little Bhavanites’ Sports Spectra-2025 for its Pre-Primary section. The event was attended by notable guests, including Debashis Chakraborty, Chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Agartala Kendra, Mr. Saraju Chakraborty, President of the Tripura Sports Journalist Club, and Miss Ambesha Das, a renowned cricketer and former student of the school.
The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the torch and the hoisting of the School and Sports Flags. Principal Mrs. Swapna Shome welcomed the attendees and highlighted the school’s activities. The event included various fun and educational games, a vibrant cultural performance, and active participation from parents.
Medals were awarded to the top three winners of each event, and certificates were distributed to all participants to encourage the young athletes. The sports event aimed to promote physical fitness, teamwork, and cooperation among the children, making it a successful and enjoyable occasion for everyone involved.