Agartala: Jan 12: MP Biplab Kumar Deb recently spoke at the Rabindra Shatabarsiki Bhavan, where he criticized the Communist Party for its perceived limitations on youth development. Deb argued that the Communist Party’s ideology prioritizes age over merit, requiring individuals to have “gray hair” before being recognized as leaders. In contrast, he praised the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its inclusive and youth-friendly environment, where young individuals can rise to significant positions without needing to wait for years ¹.
Deb’s speech highlighted the BJP’s encouragement of young leadership, citing the example of becoming a Chief Minister without needing “gray hair.” He also suggested that the remaining Communist leaders should join the BJP for a more progressive future. This statement was seen as an attempt to position the BJP as the party of opportunity for the younger generation.
It’s worth noting that the BJP has a history of promoting young leaders, with several prominent figures rising to power at a relatively young age. However, the Communist Party has also had its share of young leaders throughout history. Ultimately, Deb’s statements reflect the ongoing political rivalry between the BJP and the Communist Party.