Agartala: Dec 01: On December 1, the Border Security Force (BSF) celebrated its 60th Foundation Day in Tripura, during which significant achievements were highlighted. BSF has successfully detained 935 individuals—Rohingyas, Bangladeshis, and Indians—caught for illegal border crossing, while also confiscating large amounts of narcotics and contraband. Notably, BSF Tripura Frontier seized 66,316 bottles of Fensidil, 9,303.24 kg of cannabis, 605,334 Yaba tablets, 1,222,894.5 kg of sugar, 496.26 grams of gold, 381.01 grams of brown sugar, and 210 rounds of ammunition, alongside various other items worth over 46 crore INR.
BSF personnel, through vigilance and high-level monitoring, also recovered 1,383 cattle and confiscated substantial sums in Bangladeshi currency (48,60,73,735 BDT) as well as other goods worth 46 crore INR. Additionally, 55 Rohingya immigrants, 620 Bangladeshis, and 260 Indians were arrested during border operations. The force, in collaboration with local and central agencies, destroyed around 835,800 cannabis plants spread across 301.31 acres of land in Tripura.
The event was graced by Tripura’s Chief Minister, Professor Dr. Manik Saha, who paid tribute to the martyrs and acknowledged the efforts of BSF personnel in maintaining peace along the border. During the ceremony, the BSF magazine “Gajraj” was also launched by the Chief Minister.
Since its establishment in 1965, BSF has been instrumental in maintaining national security, tackling cross-border crimes, and ensuring the sanctity of India’s borders. The force has also organized numerous civic action programs, such as free medical camps, sports tournaments, and cultural activities to benefit the border population. Moreover, BSF plays a crucial role in strengthening bilateral cooperation, especially with the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), to ensure peace and security along the border areas.