Agartala: June 19: In a significant achievement during their anti-narcotics drive, Ambassa police successfully seized dry ganja valued at over eight lakh rupees. The seizure occurred after searching a car at the Ambassa bypass naka point, leading to the arrest of the car’s driver.
Given the context of Tripura’s hilly terrain, there has been a notable increase in ganja smuggling out of the state. Dry ganja is being transported via both road and rail routes, with women also participating in this illicit trade. Ambassa police station area has established two naka points on the national highway—one in Bet Bagan and the other in Upo Nagar. All vehicles, regardless of size, traveling between Agartala and Ambassa undergo thorough searches at these checkpoints.
Today, a luxury car carrying ganja was intercepted at the Ambassa National Highway Upo Nagar naka point. The police recovered the dry ganja from the vehicle with registration number WB02AEH3172. The driver, Bijan Das (23), was apprehended, and he hails from Udaipur.
The market value of the seized ganja exceeds eight lakh rupees. The arrested driver, Bijan Das, appeared in court today as the Ambassa police sought remand.