Agartala: June 05: After the Lok Sabha election results were announced on Tuesday, outsiders vandalized the Pratapgarh area, which falls under the Bonmalipur assembly constituency. Hearing the commotion, Congress leader of the area, Gautam Nandi, came out of his house along with the women of the house when they were breaking the boundary wall of the house.
At that time, the miscreants pushed the woman of the house onto the road and broke the glass of the house window by throwing stones. The miscreants then fled with the woman’s gold chain. The women of the house said that most of the youths who committed the incident were outsiders.
Meanwhile, MLA of the area, Gopal Chandra Roy, rushed to the spot on getting the news. He inquired about the woman’s well-being. And after being informed of the entire incident, he said that he would take the responsibility of the law. Meanwhile, the police rushed to the spot on getting information about the incident. It remains to be seen whether the police will be able to arrest the accused.