A year after he first took over as Chief Minister of Tripura, after a sudden and unforeseen change of guard replacing his predecessor Biplab Kumar Deb, CM Dr. Manik Saha today said his government is working with development as the only agenda and claimed BJP-led government would be in power in the state for the next 40-50 years to come.
Speaking to reporters in the sidelines of a public event at Rabindra Shatabarshiki Bhawan here this afternoon, the Chief Minister said, “I shall not tell that I have done everything. But we have done our best and always we should try and give our best ahead. Our government is already doing it and in future, we shall do everything that we feel is in the benefit of the people”.
Asked about major challenges he faced in the last one year of his stint in the Chief Minister’s office, Dr. Saha said he feels there is no insurmountable challenge and if any problem crops up, it has to be solved.
Asked if he feels people have faith for BJP in the state, especially with the 2024 Lok Sabha polls coming ahead, CM Dr. Saha said, “People have faith and support towards BJP-IPFT government, which is why we have formed government for second term. In future, since people have faith on us, I feel this government will stay in power here for many years, for the coming 40-50 years”.
About his government’s major thrust sectors, the Chief Minister said it is and would continue to work for development beside improving connectivity and law and order.
“We are working for development, development and development. Prime Minister Modi says we have no other priority but development. No state, country or society can proceed ahead without development. We are working in the direction of PM Modi. Law and order is being maintained in Tripura in a way that is conducive for development”, he said.
He added that the government is giving emphasis on improving connectivity and improving law and order in the state through he accepted the fact that there have been some cases of violence but the government has been very strict against the law breakers he claimed adding that the police was acting freely and without any interference.
Earlier today, CM Dr. Saha officially inaugurated the distribution of spices through the Public Distribution System (PDS) under Food and Civil Supplies Department.
Four spices including chilli, cumin, coriander and turmeric powder would be distributed through 2050 Fair Price Shops of the state under per the expanded PDS basket.